If You Give a Pastor a Pickup

CookieAs our rainy season approaches, I remembered a little yarn I wrote several years ago during our rainy season about my husband and how we couldn’t seem to think of the perfect car for transporting people to church on the muddy, rainy roads. I based it off of Laura Numeroff’s books, in the style of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.



If you give a pastor a pickup,

He’ll want to pick up people for church in it.

You’ll let him pick up lots of people for church.

You'll let him pick up lots of people for church.

You’ll let him pick up lots of people for church.

It’ll probably be raining on Sunday,

So he’ll be afraid the people will get all wet and muddy.

He’ll probably want to put the canopy on the truck bed to keep them dry.

He’ll ask you for some help Sunday morning to put the canopy on.

When he puts on the canopy, he’ll probably get very muddy and wet.

He'll probably get very muddy and wet.

He’ll probably get very muddy and wet.

He’ll ask you for a rag and a change of clothes.

You’ll get him some clothes, but this will make him late to pick the people up for church.

Then with the canopy on the pickup, he won’t be able to pick up as many people for church.

So he’ll want to get a Combi*.

Pulling out our teammate, on our way to church. Stuck in the river--even with a 4x4.

Pulling out our teammate, on our way to church. Stuck in the river–even with a 4×4.

It’ll probably be raining on Sunday…

So the Combi* will get stuck in the mud.

Being stuck will remind him of 4WD.

He’ll probably ask you for a 4WD.

And chances are,

If he asks you for 4WD,

He’ll want a pickup to go with it.

*Combi–name for a 12- to 15-passenger van over here, used as taxis.

About Amy

I'm Amy, a missionary wife and homeschooling mother of five children, blogging about our lives and perspectives on culture in South Africa.
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2 Responses to If You Give a Pastor a Pickup

  1. Ha! You’re so creative! I hope you guys are having a good time!

  2. Pingback: Saved by the Mud | Ita Vita

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