Building Enduring Paths

Collecting sand.

Collecting sand.

What a fun day the kids had today! On Seth’s morning off, he helped them build a Roman road.

Collecting rocks.

Collecting rocks.

Then he showed them through the “Romans Road” in the Bible, how that the letter to the Romans includes some of the clearest verses on salvation from sin. The boys counted the word faith 27 times from Romans 3:21-5:2. I enjoyed the break to get some baking done, and the boys made a wonderful memory with their dad.

Marking the Romans road in the Bible.

Marking the Romans road in the Bible.

The rest of our homeschooling week was spent normally–more instruction in single-digit subtraction, spelling easy short-vowel words, and phonics. Poor Caleb has had to compete with toddler distraction lately during math flashcards practice. He tries to beat his former time, but 2-year old Callie stands beside him repeating loudly every number he says!

How's he supposed to "beat the clock"??

How’s he supposed to “beat the clock”??

Caleb finished another reader in reading and started The Bridge Book. Today Caleb was introduced to his final chart of “special sounds” in phonics. Once he learns those sounds, he has all of the basic phonograms he needs in order to read! Exciting!

First a ditch is dug. (That's the box.) Then a layer of sand is packed on top.

First a ditch is dug. (That’s the box.) Then a layer of sand is packed on top.

I like the poem he’s learning for language:

Work (Anonymous)

Work while you work; play while you play;
This is the way to be happy each day.
All that you do, do with your might.
Things done by halves are never done right.

He asked if I agreed with it, and I reminded him of the verse, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.”

Mixing cement. A layer of pebbles goes on top of the sand.

Mixing cement. A layer of pebbles goes on top of the sand.

I spent time yesterday planning the rest of our year in science (which will cover the 6th day of creation–humans–we just finished studying animals), coinciding 106 Days of Creation Studies with an ABeka 1st grade health reader. Organization makes me happy.

Spreading cement.

Spreading cement.

We found an awesome dead spider hanging from our rafters outside just when Caleb was supposed to be looking for a lizard to draw for nature study. We put the spider in a jar instead, and Caleb and Colin tried to draw it.

We dragged the ladder out for a closer look.

We dragged the ladder out for a closer look.

The South African schools were off this week beginning two weeks of holiday. I felt bad sending away village kids who wanted to play with Caleb. We had to keep working because of our long break in America, but usually I want our school calendar to coincide with South Africa’s.



The young men loaned willing hands to work on our church stand Monday and Wednesday. Seth learned the Tsonga word for removing dirt from a fence post hole. 🙂 Tuesday Seth attended Lovey’s funeral, the brother of one of our church members.

Laying paving stones on the edge. (Supposed to be on top.)

Laying paving stones on the edge. (Supposed to be on top.)

I was thinking about the solidity of the Roman roads, how some endure even to today, and I wondered if I was building my house in such an enduring way. Proverbs 14:1–“Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.” I had some encouraging discussions with Caleb and Colin this week as we read about some of Jesus’ parables. I hope we are laying a good foundation for enduring, Christ-loving godliness in their hearts.

When it dries, they can drive their trucks down into the sandbox.

When it dries, they can drive their trucks down into the sandbox.

How did you build your house this week?

About Amy

I'm Amy, a missionary wife and homeschooling mother of five children, blogging about our lives and perspectives on culture in South Africa.
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10 Responses to Building Enduring Paths

  1. Tammy Doiel says:

    Thanks for the reminder! I do not do what I should do. I tried to just spend more time with Joshua and Kiley this week. I love the picture or Carson crying on the ladder. So cute!

  2. kirinjirafa says:

    That spider is pretty cool.

  3. Mandy in TN says:

    What a cool week and I love the photos with Dad participating! 🙂

  4. Christie says:

    Wow! Not sure about the answer to that last question. Before you asked that I was going to comment that it feels like conversations with kids and growth in spiritual areas goes in spurts. Sometimes I’m so encouraged and other times I wonder if anything is happening at all. Good reminder.

    • Amy says:

      I feel the same way. Seth used an analogy that encourages me– “Which drop is it that makes the bucket full of water?” It’s hard to see which exact drop fills the bucket, but each week we keep putting drops in, believing that eventually the bucket will be full.

  5. Rachel says:

    Important reminder, Amy… thank you (and great homeschooling job!). Hmmmm (as I peek in my bucket), God, help me see what I am filling my bucket with and help me fill it with His Water! Hugs and thanks again for the encouragement. The kids all say “Hi” to everyone and we miss you guys!

  6. I just love all the pictures – it’s awesome when dad gets involved in the education too!

  7. Mary says:

    Yikes!! Spider.

    I can’t wait to do the roman road project again.

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